Video Meetings With Our Team at TWM

Get in touch

Video meetings are available across all of our practice areas, and all of our offices are equipped with high level video conferencing facilities.

How it works

We offer video meetings via a wide range of platforms, including:

  • Zoom
  • Microsoft Teams
  • WhatsApp
  • FaceTime

Depending on the device you are using and the video software it has, we can make arrangements to connect with you using your preferred video communications platform.

What devices can I use for a video meeting?

  • Laptop and desktop computers
  • Tablet and smartphone devices

How to join your video meeting

Accepting a video meeting via your preferred application is straightforward:

  • You and your lawyer agree a date and time for your video meeting
  • We will then send you a confirmation email with a link to the video call
  • You join the video meeting at the agreed date and time by clicking the link in the email.

Please do not hesitate to call us if you have any queries and we can work together to arrange an appointment that is suitable for your requirements.

Why a video meeting could be the right choice for you

  • Video meetings are a great way of staying connected with us and continuing to move things forward with your legal affairs
  • You can meet with us face to face, from the comfort of your own home or office – wherever suits you best
  • We can share documents with you on screen, so that you can see what’s being discussed.

For meetings that you would prefer to conduct in person at one of our offices, we will be happy to make arrangements for you, subject to the latest government advice.

ID verification

Similarly, we are pleased to say that there is no need for our clients to attend our offices in person in order for us to verify their identification for anti-money laundering purposes – this can be done online and involves the client taking a “selfie” on their smartphone or tablet. We will be very happy to guide our clients through the simple process.

If you would like to make an appointment by video or to arrange a call with us to discuss your requirements, please get in touch with your usual TWM contact.

Related services

Contact Us

In order for us to direct your enquiry to the right person at TWM Solicitors, we need to know a little more about you and what are you looking for.

Please complete the boxes below and we will forward on directly to the most appropriate person.

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