The Assisted Dying Bill: Steps you can take under current UK law to shape your future end-of-life care
Whether the Assisted Dying Bill that was recently passed by the House of Commons becomes law or not, there are steps individuals can take to exercise control over their future care. A consultation with a specialist solicitor is a good start if you want to use any of the options outlined below.
Understanding Will Rectification
When can a Will be rectified? A Will can be rectified when there are errors, ambiguities or omissions that fail to accurately represent the testator’s intentions. These errors could be due to various reasons, such as drafting mistakes, misunderstanding of legal terms or changes in circumstances that were not properly accounted for at the time […]
Parker v Felgate – is it being underused?
The rules of testamentary capacity, in the context of executing a Will, that are set out in Banks v Goodfellow (1869-70) LR 5 QB 549 are often discussed, as they form the basis of the working day for many private client and Will, trust and estate disputes solicitors. But what is less discussed are the […]
Outdated Intestacy Rules: Why a Will matters more than ever for cohabiting couples
A century of change As we approach the centenary of the Administration of Estates Act 1925, it’s clear that the law has not kept pace with the evolving family dynamics in England and Wales. The “Intestacy Rules” established by this Act were designed for a time when the nuclear family — consisting of a married […]
Reeves gets £197m Capital Gains Tax boost as investors race to sell up
21% rise in Executors of Wills being sued in the High Court – 87 cases in past year, but that could be the tip of the iceberg
The number of Executors of Wills being sued in the High Court has jumped 21% in the past year, with 87 cases in 2023, up from 72 cases in 2022. These claims over ‘breaches of fiduciary duty’ centre around an Executor, who is responsible for dealing with the entire estate administration of a Will, failing […]