About Rachel

Rachel Arthur is a Lending Risk and Control Manager in the Lending team, working out of the firm’s Guildford office.

Rachel is responsible for managing the post completions team to strive to manage lenders expectations with the processing of their deeds, managing the requisitions and land registry inboxes ensuring that all are dealt with in a timely manner. The post completions team also assist with answering the queries from Land Registry to assist the completions team.


Prior to joining the firm, Rachel worked for a BTL lender for 8 years starting as an administrator moving in to processing department to process applications from decision in principle with credit searches to assisting Underwriters with and registry searches and uploading documents to be reviewed.

Completions Assistant – working as a team with contact with solicitors regarding Certificates of Titles and ensuring that all offer conditions have been answered satisfactorily. Achieved a funds release mandate to ensure that the funds are released to solicitors for completion to take place as per the Certificate of Title.

Underwriter – assessing applications along with credit reports, instructing valuations and reviewing these to enable an offer to be produced. Also assisting with post completion enquiries.

During her spare time Rachel enjoys spending time with family especially her 2 young grandsons along with watching Norwich City FC with her Husband both home and away.

Related services


We are experienced in acting for both lenders and borrowers in relation to lending. Our clients include banks, private lenders, as well as corporate and private borrowers.

Lending Fee Tables

The lending fee tables provide an overview of what to expect for each of our lender clients. Our clients include banks, private lenders, as well as corporate and private borrowers.

Lending Pricing Information

Our fees are structured centrally by the lender and these are, in most cases, available on the lender’s website and via the mortgage intermediary.

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