Interest in pre-nuptial agreements now accelerates annually from early in the new year, as couples seek to get their financial affairs in order before peak wedding season, which runs from April to October.
Having lost their stigma as being unromantic, pre-nups are now viewed as practical tools to safeguard assets and ensure each party’s financial wellbeing.
The surge in demand for pre-nuptial agreements is being fuelled in part by young couples who are acquiring significant wealth earlier than previous generations, often through inheritance or by being shareholders in a business.
The trend is also being driven by individuals entering second marriages who want to protect their assets for children from previous unions, highlighting the pragmatic approach to financial planning in modern relationships where complex family structures are increasingly common.
Top tips for a successful pre-nup
Below are some essential considerations for couples who want to enter into a pre-nuptial agreement in the right way:
- Timing is key: Start the process early, ideally at least three months before the wedding, to allow for thorough drafting and consideration. A pre-nup is a complex, bespoke document that requires time to draft. Avoid leaving it to the last minute to ensure both parties have sufficient time to understand the agreement and sign it without duress.
- Beware of online templates: While online prenuptial agreement services may seem convenient and less expensive, there is a real risk of them lacking the basic elements required to carry weight with the family courts. Seek an experienced solicitor you trust who can draft a robust agreement that reflects your unique circumstances and sets out appropriate protections for each party.
- Protect future wealth: A pre-nup is not only about protecting each party’s current net worth. Consider including provisions for potential future gains, such as earnings from business ventures or inheritances, to safeguard both current and prospective assets.
- Full disclosure: Transparency with your solicitor and your partner is paramount. It’s much better to over-disclose your financial assets than risk leaving something out. The more information your solicitor has, the better they can understand your position and deliver an agreement that can safeguard your financial future.
- Reassurance for both parties: Pre-nups are not just about safeguarding the assets of the financially stronger party, it’s also about protecting the other person in the relationship and giving them a degree of security. If there is significant wealth disparity between the two parties, provisions will need to be made for the financially weaker party. The best approach is for couples to be very open throughout the process to ensure each party feels safeguarded and satisfied by the agreement’s final terms.
How TWM can help you
If you are considering having a prenuptial agreement with your partner, our specialist solicitors can help you create a tailored agreement that protects your interests and secures your financial future.
For more information or advice, please contact Caroline at
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